Your Signs by Carolyne Faulkner
Astrology is the most powerful language on Earth. It helps us translate universal energy, the star—sent energy that exists within us all. When translated effectively, that energy has the power to unite us, to illuminate deeper life paths, and to nourish us spiritually. The movement of the stars and the changing positions of the astrological signs affect every area of our lives, influencing our relationships with family, friends, and colleagues as well as our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
This first—of—its kind astro—journal provides simple yet powerful daily, weekly, and monthly exercises and tips to navigate the changing tides of daily life throughout 2020, looking ahead to the movements of the planets across each of the year’s 366 days. Featuring helpful two—color illustrations and modern graphics, Your Signs includes insightful forecasts plus “homework” exercises to help you tap into and harness your universal power. No matter your astrological sign—whether you’re a Leo or a Scorpio, an Aries or a Libra, an Aquarius or a Gemini—astrologist Carolyne Faulkner teaches you how to understand the meaning of the forecasts in clear, concise, easy—to—digest tutorials. In addition, she offers guidance to enhance your life, recommending appropriate activities and tasks based on the movements and position of the planets and the moons from day to day and week to week.
With Your Signs, you will learn how dynamic astrology and a deeper connection to the world can help you practice self—reflection and achieve positive change.