Titania's Crystal Ball
Crystalomancy, one of the oldest and simplest forms of discovering what the future holds, is now within everyone's grasp. Just disengage from the everyday, gaze into the crystal orb, and focus on the shapes that appear. It will take a little practice, but in time, users will become a seer and be able to glimpse their future.
Titania, Britain's most famous White Witch, presents her own authentic crystal ball and explains how with the right approach, patience, and concentration, anyone can learn see their own future and that of others.
In the sixty-four-page illustrated guidebook, Titania takes readers by the hand and with easy-to-follow steps based on her own practical experience, gradually introduces them to the ancient art of scrying. With her guidance, users will soon be amazed at their psychic ability
This revised edition includes a handy beginner's scrying mat and image key to get you started, as well as, a glass ball which is nearly 2 1/2 inches in diameter a a ring stand to rest the glass ball on.