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Mythical Goddess Tarot Deck

Mythical Goddess Tarot Deck

78—card Tarot Deck with full color 128—page guidebook in boxed set. Direct access to the Goddess through her many faces. An easy—to—use tarot deck that bringsjoyful transformation for both beginners and long—time experts! See what the experts have to say: The Mythical Goddess Tarot gives us the ancient future universal myths and stories of the deep feminine principle with new inspiration and hope that guide us towards a life of peace and love. Brilliantly painted, these compelling Cards activate the wisdom of the ages embodied in our human unconscious. Now is the time for allowing these pulsing archetypal symbols to make magic, the bloodstream of the universe. James Wanless, Voyager Tarot .. Mythical Goddess Tarot is as much a work of art as it is a truly useful spiritual tool. Art lovers and tarot enthusiasts will find this tarot a magical surprise. Sage Holloway and Katherine Skaggs have created a tool that will connect you to the Divine Feminine without and the Sacred Feminine within. — Ted Andrews, Animal Speak

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