I grew up as an only child. Sort of. My mother had 3 other children who i would not know about until I turn 16. At the age of 11, my mother and i joined a church. It was a Pentecostal church in Warsaw, Indiana, my hometown. We started out going every Sunday morning, then we added Wednesday evenings to that schedule. Before long, I was at church nearly 5 days a week. I was in the choir, dance, drama, teen group, I even taught Sunday school. Being in church surrounded by so many loving and like minded folks was great.
Before long, I had questions. These questions often recieved biblical answers. I was left with even more questions after I got my answers! In my mind, there were so many loop holes and just, nonsensical things in the bible. When i couldn't find the answers i was looking for from the church, i turned to the library and the internet. It was then that i discovered SO MANY other religions exist. I gathered general information about each of them and found that many of them have a similar story; A deity, a few messengers, several loyal followers, a death, a miraculous back to life story and a whole moral code based around teachings of the deity. The biggest thing I found to be the most similar however, was faith. so many religions, with billions of people who have faith in that religion.
I realized then, that there was not one single religion, god, or source of faith that was correct. they were all correct, but each one resonated with an individuals soul far more than another. Some religions scare people even, but those who practice and understand the scary ones, find comfort in them.
My point here is that it doesnt matter who or what you pray to, what matters is that whoever or whatever you pray to, gives you faith and comfort and makes you feel safe and loved. You can get this even if all you have faith in is yourself, or science. it may take some time to find what your soul needs, but take that time, don't rush, and most of all, dont be affraid to ask questions. If something doesn't make sense, look into it. Find what makes sense and Find your soul.